Friday, December 10, 2010

The power and beauty of a new, full sized keyboard at an appropriate level

Hey everyone,

So while some of you may have speculated that this blog has gone by the wayside, not so! I've actually been suffering from a lot of wrist pain from typing on my laptop at a really bad angle on my desk.  This was really affecting every aspect of my life, from applying for jobs on the internet, to playing guitar, so I tried to limit my computer use as much as possible to ease up the pain in my wrists.
I recently took the hit and bought a usb keyboard, and its worked wonders for me.  it has probably helped more than all the nights I've slept with wrist braces, and all the motrin I've taken.  It feels great to be back writing again and I hope to have some more reviews posted soon.  It made me really appreciate my wrists, and realized that living in pain is just not worth it.
So stay tuned!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Wing Review: Mi Ranchito

What I Got: Plate of 5 Jumbo Wings
Mi Ranchito
Atwood Street
Pittsburgh, PA

My buddy Sam (see Triumph Sweet Chili Wings) and I took a ride up to Pittsburgh for the weekend.  First night there, we went to half-price at local mexican restaurant, Mi Ranchito, with my girlfriend and a few of our friends still going to school at Pitt.
I'll be honest, I've been behind in reviews, and I've since forgotten how much wings cost at half-price, but I'm going to say they are somewhere in the range of $4-6 for 5 or 6 decent sized wings.
These are definitely not your average buffalo wing sauce.  Mi Ranchito adds a little bit of a mexican twist to them.  I can't put my finger on what they added, but these wings definitely had a good taste.  It was pretty much what I imagine a mexican-style buffalo wing should taste like.
The sauce had around the same consistency as regular wing sauce, maybe more on the watery side, and they really slather it on here.  In fact, one notable point was that these wings were actually kind of slippery and hard to grip.  Definitely worth a visit, and pick up a margarita while you are at it, I believe there is a special on mondays!
No pictures this time, cause it was really dark...

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Triumph Brewery Sweet Chili Wings

What I Got: Sweet Chili Wings

Triumph Brewery
400 Union Square
New Hope, PA 18938

All of my friends have been raving about Triumph's sweet chili wings for quite sometime, so this week me and my buddy Sam decided to order a plate and check them out.  The sweet chili flavor seems to be gaining a lot of popularity, and lately I'm seeing more in that flavor.  We ate outside, so unfortunately, no pictures...

These were very similar to the Wagon Wheel's "Sweet and Spicy" wings, so the flavor didn't take me entirely by surprise.  If chinese food and a chicken wing had a baby, it would be these wings.  They were a little more on the sweet side than the chili side, and I think upping the spice factor on these would really add to them.

Sam and I agreed that a big part of the chicken wing experience is dipping the wings in bleu cheese or ranch, and while we were also in agreement that we would still dip these if bleu cheese or ranch were provided, I don't think the flavors would blend as well as you would get with a more traditional or BBQ sauce.

I don't think that the sweet chili will be my go to for wings, but if you stop by the brewery and want to try something a little different, I'd recommend them.


Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Spatola's Buffalo Chicken Pizza

Spatola's Pizza
82 S. Main St.
New Hope, PA 18938

What I ordered: A Buffalo Chicken Pizza

My buddy Max modeling with the Pizza
I had just finished a long work week and my buddy Max came to town for the weekend so we decided to hit up New Hope on Friday night.  It's been a while since I had something to review, so I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone, so we went out to eat and I picked up a buffalo chicken pizza to review.

I ordered a personal pizza, which contained about 6 small slices, a decent size for one hungry person, enough to fill you up, without feeling over full.

I've had buffalo chicken pizza from a few places, and so far, I think the New Hope Spatola's makes some of the best around.  They maintain just the right balance between buffalo chicken and pizza.  Sometimes buffalo chicken pizza tastes confused, like it isn't quite sure what its supposed to be, and the pizza gets over saturated with a combination of hot sauce and bleu cheese or ranch in attempts to compensate for its lack of direction.  Not the case with Spatola's.  They combine the perfect blend of buffalo chicken and pizza ingredients to merge the two into a harmonious hybrid creation.

As far as presentation goes, they get an A+.  Most pizzas are a sloppy mess, but you cannot beat that swirl on top.

Dear God was this delicious!
Overall, I give this pizza a 10/10. I don't really go into town much, and when I do, its rare that I make it past Triumph Brewery or Farley's bookshop, but after this pizza, I think I'll be making more pizza stops when I'm in town.  

Friday, September 17, 2010

Additional Reading

My buddy Max started a blog all on food at Penn State, so being a food blogger myself, I thought I'd give his a plug on my site. Check it out at PSU Food Review!

Also, My buddy Ed started this cigar blog a while ago and inspired me to start the Buffalo Chicken Review.  He goes beyond just food reviews, and offers some good tips on all things cigars. Ed's Cigar Blog

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Wing Tour Stop 3: Big Daddy's Wagon Wheel Tavern

Big Daddy's Wagon Wheel Tavern
Route 313 & Sternersmill Road, Quakertown PA

What I ordered: Cajun Hot Wings, Sweet N Spicey Wings, Cajun Suicide Wings (I also tried Dan's Original Hot and Honey BBQ)

This trip was long anticipated.  The Wagon Wheel was number 1 on the Best Wings in Bucks County list that originally inspired the wing tour.  The Wagon Wheel has a wing special every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, giving great odds of getting a lot of wings pretty cheap.  $8.25 gets you all you can eat wings, and you have 12 flavors to choose from, so go hungry.

The way the special works is that on your first plate, you can choose 2 flavors, and every subsequent plate you can only get one flavor (per plate).  Between Dan and I, we tried a total of 5 flavors, so I'm gonna give a run down of each:

Cajun Hot: These were the night's winners.  Rather than a sauce, it was more a dry, cajun spice.  They had just the right amount of flavor combined with enough spice to make it interesting, but not overbearing.  These really hit the spot. 
Taste: 10/10
Spice Level: 7/10

Sweet N' Spicey: According to a sign on the wall, this was one of the new flavors.  Lately, I've been trying to diversify my tastes and try some new things I might not normally, so I gave these a shot.  I'm glad I did.  If you are looking for something a little different on your wing night, these are a good pick.  They are very saucy, and are a little more on the sweeter side than the spicey side. 
Taste: 8/10
Spice Level: 3/10

Original Hot: With all the flavors to choose from, these kind of got overshadowed.  Pretty standard hot wing, the sauce wasn't as thick as the Sweet N Spicey or the Honey BBQ, so it wasn't super messy, more akin to the Gardenville Tavern's hot wings.
Taste: 7/10
Spice Level: 6/10

Honey BBQ: When I get wings, I don't usually go for the flavors of a BBQ persuasion, unless they have claim to have some sort of kick to them.  They were BBQ wings for sure, but nothing too terribly memorable for me.
Taste: 5/10
Spice Level: 1/10

Cajun Suicide: Like the Cajun hot, but with about 10x as much spice on them.  Good lord were these hot.  I could only get about 6 down, and my stomach hated me for it.
Taste: 8/10 (too much spice on them to get the same score as the Cajun Hot)
Spice Level: 11/10

Overall, they had a great variety of flavors, and I wouldn't hesitate in going back again.