Friday, December 10, 2010

The power and beauty of a new, full sized keyboard at an appropriate level

Hey everyone,

So while some of you may have speculated that this blog has gone by the wayside, not so! I've actually been suffering from a lot of wrist pain from typing on my laptop at a really bad angle on my desk.  This was really affecting every aspect of my life, from applying for jobs on the internet, to playing guitar, so I tried to limit my computer use as much as possible to ease up the pain in my wrists.
I recently took the hit and bought a usb keyboard, and its worked wonders for me.  it has probably helped more than all the nights I've slept with wrist braces, and all the motrin I've taken.  It feels great to be back writing again and I hope to have some more reviews posted soon.  It made me really appreciate my wrists, and realized that living in pain is just not worth it.
So stay tuned!